Like A Dream
Ranking + MTPS

Friday, May 25, 2012 @ 9:46 PM | 0 Comment [s]

Ranking was bad :( . Dropped drastically argh. Super sad, I felt like crying in school okay!! :(
So ranking class position was 7/40 while level position was 12/156. Couldn't even get into top 5%... Must try harder next time! So here are the combined marks.

Higher Chinese-A2

Teacher's comment: Min Qi is always attentive and respectful. She has a well-developed sense of empathy which is admirable for someone her age. Mature and responsible, she is a good listener and strives to do her best all the time.

Thankyou teacher for complimenting me till I'm like so good! I will keep up th good behavior(: Hopefully I can become a better person too :D. You encouraged me alot.

Okay so I found out that my Art and D&T pulled me down okay!! Godie please. Next term Home Econ, must study real hard alrdy. I must score very well for it. Hopefully can top again. Sometimes I really feel very unfair. I study harder than others, yet I still score lower than the 'others'. What is this?! Seriously... Even Miss Lee said so!! But well both of us believe that hard work will beat those who are born smart but lazy. So now I must work harderrrrrr. I must climb back to the top again. Well I know it's difficult but i will try my best! Everybody hwaiting! So yeah after this post I shall not waste time grieving over something that is done that cannot be undone anymore. Spending my time to complete my homeworkk and revision, isn't it better?

Soyeah just now went to MTPS with dad, met Mr Zhong, Miss Lee and Miss Radha. So Miss Lee said that I'm hardworking and attentive and I have no problems with my math. Yes I must agree that I'm hardworking, I know I need and must be one cos' I know I ain't born smart so I need to work harder to catch up with others. I have problems with my math, really. Miss Lee said I'm one of the top few, and I was like ''You sure?'' . The highest was like 97 and I got 82 only. Vast difference please. Miss Ng said I'm quiet. Hey I'm not. It's jus that I have nothing to talk about. Glad that I went to MTPS with dad, learnt alot of things. I need to buck up for my studies.

Okie so mum found out I painted my nails. Haha, it's transparent xD. Next time goanna buy hot pink! Shall go Aries to find. Now my nails look so nice <3 Okay some photos.

So nice! Hahah yeah. I wann learn to make nail arts on my nails. Wait for me to buy those colours i like first! Yeahh I've always wanted to paint my nails with colours but I'm scared that mum would scold, okay now I dare to paint alrdy! Mum keep saying its chemical and will turn my nails yellowish. Mum, its not as if I'm letting it stay for one month right? At most 1 week only uhh.

Okay thanks for wasting your time here. Ending with a nicenice pic of me without any edit! Just using a normal camera even without any effects too! :D Love  my fringe xD. Maybe if I has a twin sister she'll look like this too.

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Hi peeps. I love pink and that's all you needa know. Don't judge me based on what I write :D

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